Friday, March 04, 2005

Military Caskets

Navy Military Casket
Sailors in dress blues, a Navy destroyer, a US Flag along with a "Blue Angels" style fly over make this an unbelievable "Last Tribute" selection. . Crepe Interior

Army Military Casket
A battle tank, helicopter, US Army emblem, and United States Flag make this a fitting memorial tribute for our ground troops who have "won the war". Crepe Interior

Air Force Military Casket
Fighter jets, a fighter pilot, Air Force emblem, and a US Flag all portray the dignity of our US Air Force. Crepe Interior

Marine Military Casket
This casket says it all for those who have served in the Marine Corps. Crepe Interior

Coast Guard Casket
The ultimate in military tribute, this Coast Guard design features the old ships, Coast Guard emblem, US Flag, and helicopter displays. Crepe Interior

Korean Casket
With images similar to the "ghost" images portrayed in Washington DC, this casket provides a true tribute to a largely forgotten portion of American heroes. Crepe Interior

Military Caskets for our Veterans

Military Caskets for those who defended "Our Country" Honorably and Valiantly. Available are Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy and Coast Guard.

military casket at

Military Casket resources at

See also caskets and discount caskets.

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